Friday, August 11, 2017

The Bigger Fish

The dream this morning takes place in a wilderness cabin located on the side of a mountain. The cabin has three sides and is open on one end. There is a spring fed pond just three steps away directly in front of the open end of the cabin. My youngest bother, Bruce, and I have camped here overnight. Morning has come and I stumble out of my sleeping bag first. I stagger down the few steps to the pond at our doorstep. I intend just to wash my hands and face in the water, but instead I trip, headfirst into the pond. The sound of my splash wakes up my brother. Bruce smiles and gets a chuckle out of my misstep. The pool of water is extremely clear and not too cold. I look up to see a beautiful rainbow trout swimming near my head. I reach up and grasp him. The fish is not afraid. It seems tame. It willingly allows me to hold him in my hands. I swim up to the surface with the trout cupped in my hands. I want to show it to my brother. When I surface I see my brother holding up a trout that is much bigger and heavier than mine. Bruce is showing it off to a couple strolling by on a nearby path. However, the fish he is showing off with is dead. He scooped it up from the water when I came up for air.  This is when I wake up.

Curious that fish and water are reoccurring themes in my dreams. I used to angle a lot when I was a kid. It has been years since I have had the time and means to enjoy my old pastime. I miss it. Another Summer is quickly slipping away now here in 2017. I should consider finding my little brother and take him out for a day of fishing.

The fish pond symbolizes the unconscious mind. The water is emotions, interestingly, the water is calm, and extraordinarily clear, clean and fresh. The act of fishing suggests a need for relaxation and leisure. I work so much and never take a day off. The job demands I be on duty 24/7. I need a break.

The dream is pointing to the troubled competitive relationship I have had with my little brother for years. I want to impress him with my fishing skills. Here I see him with the bigger fish, Although, his fish is bigger it is also dead. He gets to brag about it as if he caught it. My catch came easily and has vitality, and an amazing story to go with it, but little brother gets all the glory. I have often envied him through out our lives.  In recent years his life has turned tragic. The fish he holds looks magnificent, but symbolically it is dead, and that fills me with sadness.

I caught a living friendly fish. It is a blessing. The fish and water are representative of Christ and spirituality. I have been praying more and meditating on the meaning of my life. I have been working on myself both externally and internally it would appear.

As always this is another dream to seriously contemplate about. I am going to be thinking about this one for a good long while. Now is the time to begin a new day.


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