Saturday, June 17, 2017

Report to The Prime Minister

The dream this morning takes place in an office in Jerusalem. I am an advisor to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and I am typing up a very important report on a laptop to present, in person, to the Prime Minister in a matter of hours. I can picture the words on a screen above my head as I type away. I cannot recall any of the text or specifically anything about the content or the subject of my report. All I know it that it is a matter of great importance and Netanyahu asked me to write it up and bring it to him as quickly as possible.

In the next scene I am rushing into the Prime Minister's office and I have my report in hand. I can see him sitting at his desk. He looks exactly like in the photo above. I approach him behind his desk, to his left, and I start handing off loose papers to him. He looks up at me while seated with a serious and bemused look. I am very excited and animated, and I talk with my hands.

"Here is the report Mr Prime Minister! This is information I have researched. I have seen the films. You need to know about this!" I said. I need to mention, I look like a conservative Jewish man, I have a yarmulke, a greying beard, and thick glasses. What am I babbling on about? I don't know. It seems important though.

What are the main symbols to consider? I definitely to need communicate something that is on my mind. I feel an overwhelming need to express myself. It is interesting that I do, at first, a written report, and then a verbal one. I have always been better at expressing myself in the written format than the verbal one.

the next symbol to consider is the meeting with the Prime Minister of Israel. I have always had a high regard for the man. He seems like such a likable person and is a strong powerful leader too. I would enjoy meeting him I think. I like that He and President Trump have become such good friends.

I wish I had a powerful and confident mentor to confide in and seek guidance with. I wish I was so smart that world leaders wanted my expertise on important matters, and sincerely wanted to hear what I had to say about anything.

Lastly, I think we should consider the whole Jewishness and Israel connection in this dream. I am not Jewish. Why am I a Jew in this dream talking to the Leader of the Jewish Nation? This is very perplexing. Is there some personal spiritual unrest going on inside of me?  I do feel some yearning to get back to my Christian religious roots.

I wonder if I should test my DNA. I might find I have some Jewish ancestry I did not know about. Perhaps this is just my unconscious trying to grapple with spirituality in the greater general sense? I don't know.

This dream is baffling. I will ponder it for a great while. It seems like I say that about every dream. Dreams are incredibly important. I firmly believe the answers to all of life's greatest questions can be found in investigating and understanding every single dream.  


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