Saturday, August 26, 2017

Chicken Delivery

The dream this morning is about chickens. I see myself delivering a truck load of live chickens to a livestock auction building. The building looks like a place I have been to many years ago when I was a kid. I drive the semi-truck around to the back of the building and park it under an overhanging roof. I walk around to the front of the building and enter a door into a smaller wooden structure attached to a large pole barn type building. I look around inside this space and I see it is an office reception area. There is a dark haired woman in her 30's behind the counter. She is the receptionist. The woman's job is to greet people and deal with customers who come to buy and sell live animals.

The chickens are from my own farm and I have brought them to the auction. I hope to make some money by selling my chickens at the auction. I ask the lady if I can sell my truck load of chickens today. I have 10,000 of them on my truck.  She says there are no guarantees, but I stand to make a huge amount of money. I smile and wake up.

The symbolic meaning of chickens generally denotes fear and cowardice, However, with this dream it seems the chickens represent an investment that has come to fruition. This is a gamble to do at an auction. The lady is right. I could make a fortune or lose my shirt. There are no guarantees in life.  It is interesting that I am unconcerned about the lives of the chickens I am about to sell. I regard them as simply a commodity. This suggests I am thinking more with my head than my heart.

Birds in generally are regarded as a good omen. Chickens are unique in the they are raised on a farm for food. A truckload of chickens can be symbolic of prosperity. Ten thousand chickens can feed a lot of people with meat or eggs.

Basically, I am regarding this dream as a positive one. I cannot completely disregard the notion of fear and cowardice though. I note I am seeking approval, and need some affirmation, from the auction lady, that I am doing the right thing selling my chickens on this occasion. I am not looking too confident in my decision. Am I being chicken? Am I counting my chickens before they hatch? It is something to consider. Ha! I am a real piece of work says my unconscious.


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