Saturday, July 23, 2016

The Syrian Ghost Saint

The dream this morning begins with a startling image. I see a young man in a hooded grey sweat top, jeans and white sneakers. He is standing on the steps of a church building on a street corner. The church and the entire city was destroyed during the Civil War in Syria. The young man is a spirit. His physical remains are buried beneath the top step of the church. I see in a flash back when he was alive many years ago he died a martyr for this church. I see a group of men, his pallbearers, dressed in old grey suits carry his coffin to the empty pit before the front door. Concrete is poured over the grave permanently sealing his tomb and forever making him a literal and spiritual part of the church he loved and died for.

I see the ghost of this youth standing guard over the sanctuary. All the people here have been murdered by ISIS or some other like minded horde. The town is completely and utterly destroyed and depopulated. Suddenly, I see a small Toyota pickup careen down the street and stop at the corner before the steps of the church. The light of the day is fading quickly and it will soon be night.

I watch as a rebel soldier steps out from the vehicle, he is a Kurd, suddenly he is very afraid, he turns and looks toward the door of the old church. He screams in terror when the ghost of the young Christian glares at him with menace in his eyes and arms outstretched and palms turned up. I am jolted by his scream of horror and I wake up.

Tens of thousands of Christians of been brutally executed or made into sex slaves by ISIS and other crazed Muslims in Syria. The blood of all these Christians cries out for vengeance. No one seems to care what has happened to all these innocents. My heart is sorely grieved for them.

I would like to think the scenario of this dream actually occurred and that somewhere is Syria a spirit as awoken to that brings fear into the minds and of the Jihadists, gives them the nightmares that they have earned. All that bloody ground cries out just like when Cain slew Abel. The universe demands an answer and will turn the tables one day on these butchers. I know it in every fibre of my being and that is all I desire to say on that subject or this dream.   

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