Saturday, June 18, 2016

The Hired Muscle

The dream this morning takes place in a world that has gone crazy and most people no longer have jobs. The economy has completely collapsed. I have an enemy he is a little man about three foot tall with thick glasses. I owe the man money and he is determined to get it. My good friend Pappy Stu has lost his job too and has been hired to be his muscle to collect from his debtors. Pappy hates the man and his new job, but he needs to feed his family.

The next thing I see is the little man and Pappy Stu, who is 6' 5", walk out of a small business building. They are walking toward me. The petty little man spots me and orders Pappy to beat me up until I pay up. Pappy is only armed with a knife in one hand and a rock in the other hand. It looks like guns are impossible to come by in these post-apocalyptic times. Pappy remembers me kindly and decides he will not torture me under any circumstance. Pappy instead decides, in a fit of rage, to drop his knife and he lifts his boss man up by his neck with his right hand, and he pins him up at eye level up against the wall of the building, and smashes his head flat with the rock in his left hand. It is comical to watch the little man's head flatten. The head caves in and his glasses twist at an odd angle. Then I wake up.

Lately, I am feeling oppressed at every turn. The dog eat dog world seems like an unforgiving war zone. Pappy has been a good friend and I respect him so much. This dream reminds me not to take my friendships lightly. It is easy to lose one's temper and make unintended enemies in life. It is always good, I have learned, to treat everyone I meet or work with, with kindness and respect. Sooner or later a new stranger may become the new boss. I can't count the number of times that has happened to me in my life.

It is always a good policy to keep one's temper in check. Dream Pappy basically murdered the boss man in a fit of rage. Honestly, I am not sure how I feel about that. It is never a good thing to murder anyone, but in this dream society the normal rules that govern polite civilized conduct have gone
out the window.

I am not sure what more read into this dream other than to make some mental note to be cautious about the fortunes or misfortunes of life. Life can turn ugly or miraculous on the turn of a dime.

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