Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Buried Treasure

The dream takes place in a tropical location. The location seems to most likely be an island in the Pacific or somewhere in Southeast Asia. I am seemingly working for some large charitable or governmental organization. I have a small team in this organization and I am the team leader. There are there are five of us, three men and two women. One woman seems very young and may in fact be a very intelligent teenager. She looks to be Asian. Her hair is dyed blond. I suspect she is our interpreter.

In the dream it is early morning and we have just walked together out of tin roofed barracks building and down a jungle road past several people that look like soldiers. We are suppose to head to a local village to do some important task that is assigned to us. The road is quite soggy. A great number of logs were cut and laid across the road in order to give traction to vehicles driving on it. As we make our way down this road we come at a section that has a simple wood railing about waist high on the left bank and we look down to discover that the rain, overnight, has exposed a tangled mass of gold coins and jewellery under the path! We kneel down around a four foot circular area. We dig at the treasure with our hands and start pulling out individual pieces of beautiful gold coins and necklaces. We all agree right then that we will keep our discovery a secret and try to recover all there is find and hide it in a room in a building back at the base.

Eventually several days pass and we have managed to recover a huge horde. A big room is filled to the rafters with gold and precious jewels. I walk into the room and discover all my companions staring at all that wealth. The young blond Asian girl is dressed in sarong and heavily draped in gold necklaces and bracelets. She walks up to me and says, "Our time here is almost done here! What are we going to do? How are we going to get all this gold out of the country?" I have no idea. We had not thought of how we were going to make off with all our loot. I panic and wake up.

How do I interpret this dream? There seems to be two ways to look at this. One way is to see the treasure as a part of me that has lain dormant under the surface. A hidden talent wants to emerge. Another way to view the treasure is to look at it from a spiritual point of view. What is most valuable in life? What is my true treasure? Gold and diamonds? What good are they if I cannot spend them on my friends and loved one's? All that material wealth is of no use locked inside a room. How often it is that friends turn into enemies when money comes into the picture. The dream could easily turn dark and people turn to murder each other over vast sums of wealth. This dream could be provoking me to ask the larger spiritual questions about life and what I truly love and what is important to me.

I want to believe I could find a treasure and it would give me material security, and I could share the bounty with all my friends and family. Alas, I know too well the fallen nature of human beings. People behave badly when money is involved.

My greatest desire is to be debt free and enjoy life with my wife every day for the rest of my life. I can see that great wealth comes with a great burden. One can fall into a trap of trying to hang onto it, getting more of it, and never feeling satisfied. My luck with money with money has never been a spectacular success. I have no fear of falling into that pit. The roulette wheel of chance will never stop on my marble. I get everything in life the hard way through hard work and a sore back.

I must admit it is fun to dream of great treasure. The reality of what it would be like to get my hands on some in real life might not end so well. Today, I will kiss my wife, thank God I don't have the burdens of a rich man, go to work, and get on with living. Life and love is a gift and my treasure.         

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