Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Tasty Toe and The God of War

The dream today was brief, weird and came in two parts. Part one:  I have injured my big right toe and I am sitting up in bed looking at the bandage wrapped around my toe, right then, a nurse walks into the room, she has come to change my bandage. When she unwinds the dressing what is revealed is not a swollen gangrenous member, but an appetizer, that resembles a summer sausage slice between two snack crackers with cheese! It looks tasty enough to eat.

Part two:  I see a huge muscular warrior. I believe it may be Ares, the god of war, he is wearing a loin cloth, sandals and carrying a sharp menacing spear in his left hand. An attractive dark haired woman, in a leather bikini, walks into view from the left and speaks with him. I cannot hear their conversation. Ares glowers and pumps the spear in his
left hand up and down near his waist. He is prime for a fight. The couple race away on an urgent mission.

What the hell was this dream all about? The first question I ask is whether the two parts should be considered together as one dream or two separate ones?

Since I can see no serious way to link the two in any coherent manner, I think, the interpretation should be best done separately.

Let's begin with part one-- "the tasty toe".  All I can think of is that I must have been hungry in my sleep. This not the first time I have dreamed about the big toe.

Here is the link to a previous dream blog entry:  http://battlebauble.blogspot.com/search?q=the+red+toe+gang

We can establish that the big toe is a reoccurring theme. Why does it transform into a mouth watering appetizer? Bizarre! In the previous dream we recognize that the foot is symbolic of how we stand and travel through life and that the big toe gives strength, flexibility and stability to one's gait. It is like the cornerstone of the human body. I have a theory that my unconscious has turned it into an appetizer to suggest that I am hungry and foolishly wanting to eat into the foundation of my life. I may unconsciously be doing injury to myself with my selfish and base desires. I might be tempted to eat into my core substance starting at the ground floor. I need to resist that temptation if I am to preserve the essence of who I am. Whew! Now that is a sober thought. The message is communicated in symbolic language as dreams often do.

Now how do we put all this into it's proper context and make it relevant to my conscious waking life? Well, I did spend a lot of money this month. It ate into our grocery budget. It is no wonder I am looking to myself for something to eat. My house mate was very cross that I could not contribute more to the pantry. Clearly my anxiety over this situation is manifest in this dream.

Part two: "Ares, god of war" I remember being curious about Ares and I used Google to find out information about, Ares. Ares, the Greek god of war, is one of the twelve Olympians residing on Mount Olympus. He denotes all the dark negative aspects of war. Ares has an addiction to murder and bloodshed, and he was not well loved or regarded by his parents Zeus and Hera. This fed into his  psychotic behaviour and made him an unstable personality.

Ares was handsome and had an adulterous affair with Aphrodite, the goddess of love, and lust, and fathered several children with her. Ares was not loyal with his lovers or his fellow warriors, and could not be counted on in love or war.

It seems very appropriate that Ares would be a left-hander. There is a wide cultural and historic bias against left-handedness and left-handed people. Lefties are regarded as sinister and untrustworthy. Black magic is associated with left-handedness, and things that are left have an overall negative image. So when we see Ares in the dream wield his spear with his left arm it is significant.

So what does Ares symbolize with this dream? I have very much felt like I have been at war with life and the world lately. My girl and I have had a lot of opposition to overcome as we work toward getting her  a visa to come the United States. I can see myself behaving like Ares on a subconscious level. My ego driven, inner demonic self, (my Mr Hyde), could well pick up a spear and go on a killing spree, and bring my girl with me, while I do it.  Fortunately, I have my moral conscious self to moderate these urges and I can keep myself out of prison for murder. 

Part two might be a word of warning to myself about what I am capable of doing if my moral and ethical governor ever came loose. Passion is a powerful force that needs to be channeled for good. This dream is a good reminder not to let it loose.

So to summarize--I need to acknowledge my unconscious tendencies and passions, and keep myself in check. I must watch what I say and how I behave. I might be dangerous or hurt myself if I am not careful.

Lastly, I need to note the fact the my fiancée is an Aires. The little goat of the zodiac. I am a Scorpio and we share Mars as a planet. Mars was once the ancient ruler of Scorpio until Pluto was discovered. It was curiosity about Aires and Ares that got me into looking at online images of the god of war.

A Scorpio/Aires love match is a passionate affair. Both signs are powerful, dominating and controlling. This match works best when the couple has a spirit of team work with goals ahead of them that they can fight for together rather than fighting to be the one most in control in the relationship. When these two signs are on the same page they are unstoppable.

A thought has just occurred to me that the male symbol, which represents the male organ and the planet Mars, is a circle and a spear. Ares (Mars) carries a spear in this dream. There is no mistaking who the spear chucking  savage in our dream truly is. The symbols are all laid out plainly for us to examine. Note that the god has the weapon, but it takes a speech from the woman to motivate him to use it. Who is the one really in control? Looks like Ares is on the war path and is given over to his passions. Interesting!

This dream is a parable. There are lessons to be gleaned from it. It will take some time to ponder some of these.


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