Sunday, August 31, 2014

Inner Child : Soldier/Spy

The dreams today flooded forth after I had a cup of homemade wine given to me by my friend. I slept very deeply and soundly, and I experienced a whole slew of World War Two themed dreams. I am struggling to recount all the details. They seem to have evaporated from my memory sadly. I do remember one important one though and this I feel is sequel to an earlier dream I have posted from WWII . 
This is the link to that post:
I have returned to occupied Germany at the end of  WWII. I was an American spy in the German Army and now I am wearing an American soldier uniform instead of a Nazi uniform. My olive green uniform has no rank or any identify marks. I have gone from spy to working with, and for, the occupiers. I am living in what looks like a medieval stone tower and I see myself talking to an American Army officer. I see an American P-51 Mustang fighter plane buzz over and away from us. This dream was the last of a whole series of dreams about WWII that came flooding forth from my unconscious. I so wish I could so remember the details of the many other dreams the preceded this last one!  
I have had dreams about being a POW in German concentration camp through out of my life. I feel very uncomfortable talking about it. It is like a repressed past life memory. I very well believe it might be and this maybe why I am having difficulty trying to recall them. The trauma might be too much for my conscious self to handle perhaps? I don't know. Perhaps I am remote viewing history.

The spy and spying are the most significant symbols of these dreams, There is an aspect of my psyche that is secretly acting  against others with ulterior motives. I realize this about myself. I accept it and know it to be true. I am either trying to stop other people's actions or I am consciously and unconsciously studying them to thwart their plans. I do live like a spy in both my conscious and unconscious life. If I were closely examined by a third party the sign would be very clear to be discerned.

A part of me is always desiring to find peace and harmony. I abhor conflict of any kind. A part of me is also selfish, subversive and rebellious. These segments of my personality might seem at odds but they do unconsciously co-exist and are not above using some low down tactics to get what they want even if it means working with each other to get it. We all have a shadow side.

The work place environment brings out all the best and worst in me. I fight everyday between being the best hardest worker on the crew to letting my rage takeover and screaming at everyone, and turning very ugly. I have an inherent  desire is to get my peace and harmony or subvert anyone who gets in the way of my own selfish wants.

This is diving deep into my own inner psychology and looking at what is going on there. This is a damn uncomfortable thing to do. It is difficult to accept that I am not all sweetness and light. I have base needs and desires, and my inner child can look, and act in disturbing, and unattractive ways.

Dream work has a brutal side to it too. It is not always fun and entertaining. Being objective does not come natural. It takes some effort and work. I hope there is a reward for all this harsh honesty with myself. The philosopher in my says that I will learn and grow. The inner spying untrusting child says go to hell! Now the trick, I suppose is to reconcile the two. Ha,ha1 Good luck with that Darl!   

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