The dream this morning is a murderous and violent one. I am confronted with the dark side of my unconscious. It is always there and at times it bubbles up and wants to be acknowledged. This is one of those times.
In the dream I am a spy for the Allies in World War II. The place is Berlin, Germany in the final days of the war. The Gestapo is closing in on me. My true identity is about to be discovered and they will seek to arrest, and execute me in a matter of days.
I hatch a plan to escape. My plan involves killing two Nazi soldiers. I will kill one low ranking soldier to acquire his uniform, which will enable me to get close to a key Wehrmacht officer, that I must kill too to make good on my escape plan. I will assume the officer's identity to escape the country. The officer has access to resources that will get me out of the country safely to take up a comfortable new life probably in Argentina .
The night comes and I manage to corner a regular German soldier. I stab him and snap his neck with ease. I change clothes with him and dump his body into a river. I am then able to get into the office
of the officer. He is stunned to see me in his office. He knows who I am. We tussle. I am able to get past his flailing arms to penetrate my dagger between the fifth and six rib. I can clearly see in my minds eye, in full colour, as my blade pierces his side and bursts his heart. He dies quickly and falls to his feet. I am a cold brutal murderer. This is the point at which I wake up. Who knows if I ultimately succeed with my plan of escape?
This is another one of those dreams that I wonder if it is a glimpse of a previous life. My conscious personality is a soft spoken deeply emotional man that is guarded with his feelings and passions. I work hard at conducting myself in a dignified and honest way. My unconscious has some primal aspects to it that are dark and violent. We all have a dark side. Mine is buried pretty deep and might be more shady and more violent than a person who exercises a lot less self control. That is a very sober thought to consider!
My Scorpio nature would lend itself well to the role of spy. I can be very secretive, and under the right stresses, a cold blooded killer I might imagine. The unconscious is always striving for equilibrium. It may be that those people who suppress the id monster the most are capable of being the most violent. We have all heard of the serial killer who is said to such a calm nice guy.
This might be a sign that I need to consider releasing some pent up aggression or anger in more healthy and constructive ways. This dream looks like a manifestation of certain frustrations I have been experiencing lately. Certain goals that I have had have been thwarted and delayed, or sabotaged. I must be more angry about that then I had supposed. Whew! I need to be watching myself more closely and channel this rage into constructive, rather than, destructive avenues. Definitely time to pay attention to what is going on inside my head.
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