Thursday, August 21, 2014

An Unfortunate Conference?

The dream today occurred after a long afternoon sleep. I work third shift in retail and I am often so exhausted that I sometimes might sleep for 12 hours or more. When these occasions occur some interesting dreams can result.

In this dream I am a university student again and I am with a class of about 20 some students. We have left campus on a trip to some retreat of some sort. I think we are at a convention center or large hotel of some kind. Everyone has gathered in a fairly large dining hall. I see numerous flat screen TVs around the room. We are here for some summer weekend convention to hear guest speakers. I think the event is sponsored by a Christian group. There is not enough chairs in the hall for everyone to sit so many young people are seated cross legged on the floor. The coordinator of the event is a middle aged bald man wearing shorts. He has a small staff of interns, mostly young women, working here for him.

The first speaker of the event is here to talk about health issues and specifically about the effects of smoking. He has a gruesome power point presentation to empathize his key points. Next, the coordinator speaks afterwards and he wants to play a DVD while we wait for the next speaker. An intern rolls the video, however, this video is not the video the coordinator was intending to play. The intern has unintentionally and accidently put on a porn video. The video is a compilation of trailers of new porn video releases. The coordinator and the intern are horrified and are profoundly embarrassed. He and his interns go running from auditorium, down a hallway, and retreat to a side room, to hide themselves. I feel a deep sense of  sympathy for these people. It is a shame their lovely weekend conference has been compromised by this unfortunate incident.

I am now remembering how years ago I once attended a weekend Christian conference, somewhat like this one, overall, the one I attended was an enjoyable positive experience. It did not have any cringe worthy incidents like the one in this dream.

What to make of this dream? Well, I must admit I do miss this sort of social interaction. I am not always uncomfortable with being with a group of strangers, but such events can be great fun in spite of such concerns. I hate smoking. I am not sure I would be very much interested or entertained by hearing a guest speaker talk on the subject no matter how gifted the speaker might be. Now, give me a conference on UFOs or ancient civilizations, now that would pique my curiosity!

I am not sure what to say about the whole porn aspect of this dream. It is shocking and salacious. Many Christian groups and pastors have had incidents involving sexuality that have ruined their ministries. They never fully recover from such events. The incidents spoil whatever good they may have accomplished.

The unconscious seems to have several things to say here. Perhaps, I should be seeking, or I am craving greater social interaction and I should take care of my health and guard my public image? This seems like the most obvious message. It could be that I will be offered some opportunity to attend such a conference in the near future and it might be prudent for me to consider attending. It could offer something great for my spiritual growth. It comes with a word of warning to guard my  public image and not compromise my principles.

The coordinator ran away with the interns. In my mind he should have manned up and dealt squarely with what had happened. Being cowardly did not help the embarrassing situation. It could have been turned around and been used for good.

This is a most unexpected dream. It leaves me asking a lot of questions about myself and how I might react in such a scenario. I have much to consider and think about with this one.     

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