The dream this morning needs to be quickly recounted here while it is still fresh with my mind and memory. Dreams are like the morning fog and can be burned away in the daylight. So let us not waste time...
This dream takes place in a future cityscape. The hero of the dream is a familiar actor named Michael York. The New World Order has arrived and it's plans for world domination and total control of humanity has begun in earnest.
A bioengineered plague has been released and America is ground zero. This virus is a tool the elites have created to design a brave new world in their own profane image. The disease is the means to their ends.
This new plague is killing millions of people. A state of emergency as been declared and the Government has declared martial law and has assumed complete control of society. Detention centres have been set up in major cities all over the world.
Everyone who is infected is quarantined in these centres. The centres are manned by robots as there are not enough heath care workers to cope with the dire situation.
I see our main hero, Michael York, is infected, but he is one of the few, who by sheer force of will, is going to survive. York's role in this dream movie is reminiscent of his role in the movie, Logan's Run. York plays the role of rebel on the inside. He has seen behind the curtain just as Dorothy did in the Wizard of Oz. York knows what the agenda is and he has connected the dots. He has seen who is pulling the levers of power and what the ultimate goal will be. York has decided to survive to fight the system just like Neo in the Matrix.
In the dream we see York is literally picked up off the street by a robot and taken to a detention centre. He is taken by the arm has he stumbles along into the doorway of the centre. The entryway to the centre looks much like a stage theatre. There is an audience seated to the left behind glass. The people behind the glass are plague survivors that have been given a treatment. The vaccine they have been injected with has saved their lives, but it has also, altered their consciousness's. The have lost their individuality and have become part of a collective mind that is under the total control, and domination of the elites.
York is escorted across the stage to join a cue into a cafeteria. In the line before him is a man holding the hand of his small daughter. The man's daughter faints and dies right before his eyes. Robots come out and sweep her body away. The next, and last scene, of the dream we see York seated in the cafeteria with a robot caregiver. He is wearing a hospital gown. The totality and enormity of his situation has hit him and thus begins his resolve to fight system, and survive with his individuality intact as possible.
This dream illustrates an aspect of the unconscious that often goes overlooked and not fully appreciated. This aspect is the ability of the unconscious to find links to disparate things that the conscious mind cannot see. The conscious mind takes in an infinite amount of information all day long and is flooded with data. It can only cope with and process a finite amount. The unconscious has an uncanny knack for taking all these data points and revealing secrets the conscious mind often completely misses.
Throughout the course of my previous day my unconscious was collecting these data points and at night it was uncovering, and revealing things to my conscious mind. I was watching FOX news and Ebola is a major news topic. I was in my car hearing a news report that the gay community is fighting to get special consideration for homosexual illegal immigrants. I read an online article about Edward Snowdon and I saw a short YouTube video of Carl Jung. How are all these disparate data points related? The answer is revealed in the dream. My unconscious made the links and painted the picture. Is it true or fantasy? I will let you decide.
It is interesting that Ebola patients have been allowed into the U.S. right now. Consider how perfect such a hugely fatal disease would be to a bioweapons lab. Here is the perfect opportunity to have live infected patients in a controlled laboratory setting. Medical personal will have free reign to experiment and tinker with the virus on real living people in the guise of saving them. The international laws on human experimentation can be circumvented. How could they not pass up such a golden opportunity?
What about the Snowdon link? Well, the Wired magazine article gives us a wealth of insights into how the intelligence community thinks and acts. The NSA is more concerned about controlling and oppressing us rather than protecting, and serving the greater good of society, and preserving liberty. Snowdon, and our dream hero, have much in common.
The NSA seriously underestimated Snowdon. They took in him into their inner circle and assumed he was one of their own. From all outward appearances he was one of them. Snowdon, like our dream hero, however, was not corrupted or had his sense of morality, and ethics seared out of him.
I believe there is a sexually depraved cabal at the highest levels of government. They have their own network to satisfy their depraved needs and the keep each other in check by blackmail. The rich and powerful fancy they have put one over on us all, but the collective unconscious, knows all their dirty little secrets and I have seen them in my dreams.
What more can we say about this dream? I can say one last thing about it. The dream gives me a nagging and unsettling feeling. The universe is trying to get me to consider the themes here. I am being nudged and provoked to see beyond the mundane. Some weighty and serious things are hidden here. They can be see seen if you look deeply and connect all the dots.
The takeaway is that dream analysis can reveal the secrets of universe and that you need to be careful with what you uncover, and think deeply about what you learn. My advice is to be cautious about what you do with the insights and knowledge gained.
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