Sunday, June 1, 2014

Dream Team and The Chinese Connection

The dream this morning had me on an American aircraft carrier. It seems I have been called back to active duty and reassigned to the U.S. Navy. I am wearing my old Coast Guard cook whites. So I must be a Coast Guardsman working for the Navy. I served over six years in Coast Guard. I would be glad to go back to serving at sea. The Army National Guard could kiss my ass though if they ever called me.

I find myself below the main deck in a large compartment. There is much activity as the ship is preparing for a emergency departure. I am getting a tour with a group of three other Navy cooks. The petty officer who is showing us around is my old army buddy, Kal! Kal is 100% disabled army veteran. It must be a pretty dire situation for the Navy to be using old vets like my buddy and me!

Our group has just been quickly introduced to the "Old Man" (the Ship's Captain). The Captain is very busy issuing orders. He has a huge ship to get underway. We are making our way to the galley by way of a long detour to familiarize ourselves somewhat with the ship. I can see a shipmate could get lost, very easily, on such a big boat.

The new Dragon manned-space capsule.
Kal immediately takes us to see something that is top secret, and that we probably should not be looking at, that's my old buddy! Ha! Ha! We are up at that large compartment again where we began this dream and off to one side we see a super secret mini-submarine. It is something, I am sure, that is operated only exclusively by Navy SEALs. The sub has been cut in half. We are seeing only the forward section of the craft. It is an extremely high tech and stealthy looking craft. The design  reminds me of the new dragon four-passenger space capsule. Only this submarine has a lot more instrumentation and many more rugged nautical features. This thing was clearly built for combat and covert operations.

The sub had been destroyed by a super advanced Chinese torpedo and has been recovered to assess the damage and secure it's secrets. Off to the right, we see a reproduction of the torpedo, it is black with a red vertical stripe. The torpedo has technology in it that is far beyond what the U.S. Navy has in it's arsenal. It does not use a propeller. It uses a propulsion that is similar to a scram jet. It is somehow using oxygen from the water to create super sonic combustion of some sort. The torpedo has another feature, it can randomly slip into an alternate dimension of time and space as it zeroes in on it's target, which makes it impossible to track. It does not explode like a traditional torpedo. It is designed to penetrate and exit cleanly straight through a hull like it was butter. The target will sink and be intact. A perfect application if your intent is to stop and recover your enemies' equipment and technology.

My shipmates and I are very impressed. This torpedo is at least a hundred years in advance with all it's features. It should not be something the Chinese should possess. They either must have some super genius scientists or they have had help from an advanced race of extra-terrestrial beings, or they have reversed engineered some of their technology. This is well beyond contemporary weapons technology. Who can say though, given enough time, money and resources, what some black projects might be coming up with. Rumours have long said that the military industrial complex is far more advanced and capable than we can dream of by a hundred fold.

Well, Kal guides us next toward the Galley. We climb down a ladder to a lower deck and we discover yet another familiar face. It is Sergeant First Class Randal Hay! Randy, is a retired mess sergeant. Kal and I worked for him in the Army National Guard. He is with out a doubt one of the finest Non-Commissioned Officers (NCO's) that I have ever had the privilege to have worked under. Randy is a Chief Petty Officer now and is  wearing a Navy uniform in this dream. He too has been drafted into the Navy for some strange reason, and here we are altogether, on this ship. What are the odds?

Randy asks, "What took you so long Petty Officer Lirones? You ARE going to put these cooks to work now I presume?" Randy has that sly knowing smile as he looks at us. Kal responds, "There is the Navy way and there is the Chief Randall Hay way!" It is an old refrain the two of them have shared in the Army National Guard for a lot of years and now it is updated to reflect our new status in a different service. I have a huge smile. The old team is back in action!!!

Well, what do we make of all this dream? Well, it is nice to myself and my old military buddies back together and on the job again. It is a secret desire of mine to have the old team back together for one last hurrah. We may be old broke soldiers but our years of combined talent and abilities made us a formidable force. I was always proud of how well we got the troops fed and performed our missions. The sense of having a higher purpose and making the impossible look easy still gives me a thrill. I will always crave these things, I think, if it stops completely for me some day I will be old and die.

Kal, Randy and I, in the waking world, have joined forces in the immigration process at getting my foreign bride to the America. In a way we are team again and I am loving it! The rest of this dream disturbs me somewhat. It has an ominous feel to it. It distresses me to think that China is a threat to our peace and security, and that they attack us without impunity. The dream indicates with this advance technology they are a serious threat. I have always suspected that they capabilities far beyond what most military experts say they have. The Chinese have a reputation for long term planning and resolve. They will make plans going out for hundreds of years and are ruthless, and very cunning strategists. A lot of people underestimate them in my opinion. This dream mirrors concerns I have had for many years.

I suspect I might be remote viewing some aspects of their ultimate agenda with this dream. Many of Carl Jung's clients and he, himself, had visionary dreams as a prelude to World War II.  I hope to God. This is not one of those types of experiences with this dream. Frankly, after more than a decade of the War on Terror I am sick of hearing about all the war and destruction. I must try to manifest more hopeful dream scenarios and manifest happier outcomes for all of humanity. I believe we can do such things with out dreams. We can raise the collective consciousness to birth more loving and peaceful circumstances for good of all humanity. All that must be done is for us all to set an intention and meditate on it. Everyone can play a part for our collective good with positive dreams. The critical mass only needs to be 1% to create a good world we all see and experience. This I truly believe it.


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