Sunday, November 5, 2017

The Power of Music

The dream this morning takes place in a walled city. The circumstance of this walled city reminds me of the story of East Berlin or the Warsaw Ghetto. In the dream I see lots of people have been brought here. A new fascist state has come to power in America. The city has been filled with political prisoners and they have been gathered together for re-education.

I see hundreds of adult men and women all dressed in simple navy blue sweat pants and shirts with uniform billed caps. Everyone is forced to march like soldiers to mandatory classes. The only break from this routine are meals and political rallies.

One particular group of about 50 prisoners is the city marching band. The band assembles every day after lunch in the bleachers of an empty foot ball stadium. No one seems to play sports any more. The conductor or band leader is a member of the Revolution Party. This man is their Propaganda officer, music teacher and guard. He carries a side arm and wears gold epaulettes on his uniform denoting his status in the Party. There several guards keeping a close eye on the band practice from a distance.

The band practices every day. Every member of the group has been hand selected by the Warden for this duty. Some people were musicians before the dark days of the Revolution, others had no prior  musical training at all and had to be taught everything from scratch.

The only music this band is taught and are allowed play are State approved military marching tunes or political rally symphonies. No music from the pre-war days is allowed. Every recording and sheet of music has been destroyed, or burned, from the before times in a effort to erase all prior music history.

The powers that be have worked hard to reinvent a society that reflects what is in their twisted minds. It's a lot like what North Korea must be like right now. The Fascists think they are on their way to creating a new Socialist Utopia in their image, but there are cracks in the façade. All is not what it appears to be.

Suddenly, I see a young boy run up to the band leader. The leader leans down to the boy who whispers an urgent message in his ear. The band leader hurries away to take care of some emergency. This sort of thing never has happened before. A secondary low ranking party band leader must stand in for the officer. He takes over and begins conducting the band practice.

The band starts to play one of the standard stale propaganda pieces. Everyone is seated. Then the unexpected happens! Up in the upper left section of the bleachers three musicians in the horn section stand up and start playing "If you think I'm sexy, by Rod Stewart". This inspired moment of rebellion starts a cascade of little groups within the band standing up and each taking a turn at playing snippets of the forbidden music from every genre from before the dark times. I find it thrilling to watch them play! They may be prisoners, but they still have the free spirit of old America in their souls. I wake up with a secret smile of my face.

The whole take a knee protest from the National Football League players upset me to a great degree. It was an insult to all Americans who love our Flag, our Anthem and our Country. I am in solidarity with everyone who shouted in anger, burned their NFL gear, and the boycotted the league, and their sponsors.

This dream reflects the deep emotional angst the protests have stirred in my unconscious. I am seeing so much censorship and political correctness going on in our nation at the moment. I worry for the future of my beautiful country. I don't want to wake up one day to 1984.

True Americans march to the beat of a different drummer. Our oppressors may think they will break us and rule over us in some Socialist paradise. The True Patriots resist tyranny in all it's forms.  


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