The dream this day had me in one of the banks I have been cleaning. I meet a woman there. She is one of the many cleaners I have not met yet. She is a short stocky woman with blond hair. I see her standing behind something, I think it might be the teller line, when I walk into the bank, it is after hours and she is startled to see me, but when I explain who I am, and why I am there she relaxes, and smiles. She is a friendly hard working lady. I wake up at this point.
This dream could well be a premonition dream. Tonight I will be delivering cleaning supplies to a number of bank locations and it is entirely possible I may meet the woman of this dream. I have had such experiences before.
Well, I must confess I starting writing this blog entry two days ago and was delayed at finishing it. Today, I have picked up where I left off. This dream, it turns out, was a premonition dream. Tonight, I met the woman in this dream. The woman's name is Stephanie. The boss had called me to tell me she was locked out of the bank she was cleaning and to drop everything, and go with my keys to let her back into the building. She was confused about who I was and why the boss had not come himself in response to her calls. The boss is on vacation for the next five days and had not told her.
Stephanie looks and behaves exactly like the woman in this dream. This is deja vu! So this dream blog entry is an unusual one as I will not need to decipher it's meaning at any length It is was it is.
The ultimate mystery is why and how these experiences manifest. Are we experiencing the future in the present? Are we creating the future? Some might theorize that time: past, present and future has no basis in reality and it is just something that our finite minds construct to make sense of the universe. The true nature of reality is not fully understood. Some controversial theorists say our experienced reality is nothing more than a computer simulation and that the math proves it!
All I can say about any of this is that I have seen the future and it happened a lot like I saw it. One detail was different from what occurred in the dream. Stephanie was standing behind her car outside the bank and not behind the teller line as occurred in the dream. Why is discrepancy? Perhaps the future is not set in stone and it has a malleable essence and that can be ever so slightly nudged within the time line and that in turn can cause significant changes as it unfolds? This is called the observer effect. In science it refers to the effect an observation makes on a phenomenon being observed. Measuring instruments, by their nature, will alter the thing being measured. Measuring the air pressure in a tire, for instance, cannot be done without allowing some air to escape, which in turn effects the amount of air in the tire. So an absolute precise measurement seems out of reach.
The human mind could be seen as a measuring device. Perhaps the mind's mere witnessing of the future has an effect much like letting the air out while measuring a tire? An interesting thought! A lot of brilliant minds have been pondering these questions for quite a awhile now. What is the precise and true nature of consciousness, and reality is has eluded them all. The ultimate answer may never be known. We need better instruments and the ability to step outside reality to use them I think. That would be the greatest scientific experiment of all time! Until then we are stuck with imperfect SWAG: scientific wild ass guesses.
I will close with this quote from the English astronomer, Sir Arthur Eddington, (1882-1944) "Not only is the universe stranger than we imagine, it is stranger than we can imagine."
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