Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Easter Parade and Queen Victoria

The dream this morning takes place in New York city. I am with a distinguished, soft spoken, elderly gray bearded, gentleman. He is the male companion of my friend Cathy. His name is George. George and I are located inside a plush hotel on Fifth Avenue and we are wearing the formal attire of the period. I think it is the 1880s.  I am amazed to see Queen Victoria and the royal family. The queen is seated just outside a large doorway to an open balcony. She and the royal family are here watching a parade, it is a traditional Easter parade. George and I are not exactly invited here and realize it is not proper to be standing behind the royals. We discretely move to another open window to watch the festivities. This is when I wake up.

The Easter parade is an American cultural event in which thousands of men and women stream down the avenue on Easter Sunday all dressed in formal attire. Men typically wear top hats and tuxedos, and ladies are seen wearing broad colorful hats and dresses.  

The Easter parade was once a major social event from the late 1800s up until the 1940s, but now, it's popularity has significantly waned. I do not know if Queen Victoria had ever visited New York or was ever present to witness an Easter parade in real life. I should research this.

Why am I dreaming this? I have no clue. It seems so outside my normal concerns or interests. It is an odd dream. The photo above is from a movie called Easter Parade (1948) starring, Fred Astaire and Judy Garland. Garland was a beautiful actress and she reminds me, very much, of my lovely wife, Hakima.

I wore a very nice tux for our wedding last month. Perhaps, the wedding photos triggered something in my unconscious? I was looking very dapper. My lady and I are beautiful couple like Astaire and Garland.

Why Queen Victoria? I do not know. I recently saw a new article about Prince Harry. He was advising a young women not to try to take a "selfie" photo with the prince. He suggested that she just take a normal photo of him. Why should I be concerned about any of this? Something about it all draws me in and I cannot fathom why. I think, with this dream, I will just accept it as an interesting episode and not think too deeply about it unless some future events reveal it to have some deeper or meaningful significance. I do not exactly know what more to make of it.      

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