Thursday, November 6, 2014

Secret Stairs and Loving The Flood.

There are two dreams to report on today, the first is rather a disturbing one, and I am not entirely sure I want to bring it back to memory. I will do this in spite of my reservations as I am committed to recording all my dreams to this blog.

The first dream: I see an old large two-story Victorian house. There is an upstairs bedroom. A man and two young women are in a large bed all crumpled up in white sheets. These people have just been murdered. They have been cleanly stabbed, one time each, with a sharp knife. Their attacker has entered the room by way of a secret staircase and hidden door. It is a blond woman in a trench coat. She has killed these people in a fit of jealous rage. The man was her lover.

For the second dream: I am attending an astronomy conference. The highlight of the event is to discuss the arrival of a new comet called, Siding Spring, and it's close fly-by of Mars. The conference centre is a huge building. The auditorium reminds me of the United Nations building in New York City. This one, however, has two huge rectangular skylights over head and bright natural sunlight is pouring in.  This building has a secret in it's design. It's design enables it to float on water. It is a conference centre, but it is also, an ark! It is like the one Noah built in the bible.

It is fortunate I am here because as the comet approaches near the earth on it's trajectory with the sun it sheds three pieces that collide with the earth. This has a devastating effect. Water and ash rains down over the whole earth and a huge tsunami inundates the country. The doors to the conference centre are slammed solidly shut with thick steel plates and the building floats free from it's foundation. Then we are off on a voyage, like the one Noah experienced, for 40 days and 40 nights.

The Analysis:

It has been a week since I wrote down these dreams and I had set them aside in lieu of my trip to Spain to visit my fiancée. A weird thing happened in Spain that relates rather well to the first dream. My girl and I rented an apartment in central Madrid. The apartment was managed by a young woman who managed many different apartment buildings. The apartment had two bed rooms. One bed room she rented out to guests and the other bed room was hers to use. Apparently, this odd arraignment was something she did with a multiple number of facilities. She would constantly migrate to every apartment and clean, and collect payments, and such. We came in one morning to discover her bed room door open and she popped out what looked like a small broom closet, but was actually, a secret narrow stair case! It was like what I saw in the first dream. To my mind the dream was of a prophetic nature. We ended up having some conflicts with the woman. She was a clean freak and was annoyed that we were not keeping the place as clean as she demanded. She also charged us a double rental rate when we thought we had agreed to a single rate to that covered both my girl and I. She acted politely through all these troubles, but I definitely, got the sense she was seething with rage toward us during the week of our stay there.
While, the woman did not stab us, with a dagger, in our sleep in the literal sense, she did give us some angry penetrating looks in the symbolic sense. I think, in this instance, it wasn't romantic rage that motivated her but her obsession with keeping her apartment pristinely clean and getting her proper payment. Sometimes, it is easy to miss or misinterpret the emotional motivations and responses people display. This dream has definitely helped me see things in a whole new way both in the unconscious ways people act and what the collective conscious might be trying to communicate to me.

The  second dream is proving to be a little more difficult for me to find an overall meaning to.  We have four symbols:  1.) Mars, 2.) The comet, 3.) The Conference Building/Ark and 4.) The Flood.  If I had to boil it down to one primary dream symbol it must be the Flood. Water, in the symbolic sense represents the emotions. Frankly, my emotional life is like an ocean, it is deep and dark, and stormy. What do the three lesser symbols represent and what are their roles in this dream scenario? Mars is the planet of action. The comet? It seems to take on a role as agent of change or chaos. Comets traditionally are regarded as omens predicting of the death of a king. The conference building/ ark must represent some sense of security/salvation/ redemption all rolled up into one image. Intuitively, I think, the symbolic meanings must be interpreted very broadly for this dream. Specifically, the images, rather than the people are what the unconscious is prompting us to examine.

The conscious reality comes into dialog with the collective unconscious in the dream state, but the discussion is like a Einstein talking to a child about quantum physics. The vocabulary, by necessity, must revert to a simple symbolic language in order for there to be any hope of any effective communication taking place. So the second dream, in this instance, is a return to the basics.

A lot is going on with me emotionally as I continue to work toward bringing my fiancée home to me, for marriage, from Spain. We have the waters being agitated from a comet sling shot from the God of War. I travelled to Spain to find people who would help in my quest to be united with my bride. I found an International church filled with good friendly people willing to help. The conference building/ark are symbolic of the church. The church has both the qualities of being a building and a sanctuary. These people and their building came into our life with divine providence. They have been and will be a huge help and comfort to my lady and I in the coming months. These are all the connections that my mind has been grasping for to try to make some sense of this dream, and this is my simple interpretation of it.  We do not get to see the outcome within dream, as so often happens with my dreams, but my impression is that it has a positive outcome. If it is a glimpse into the future then it is a vision with an end that is open. The conclusion can be anything my desire may want it to become! It is not yet set in stone and I find that very comforting. I am determined to see with positive eyes for positive results. Our thoughts are attracting our reality and it is important to keep these thoughts at the most positive level. It is good to fed the soul, mind and beliefs a positive diet and avoid the negative. Wishes can come true and it is important to be careful when giving them birth to them that sarcasm is left out of the conception recipe to make them pure and beautiful. 

The take away is to be positive and good things will manifest. I will strive to meditate on this and keep it upbeat. Lord, knows I so want to see some particular happy dreams come true soon. I will smile and wait out the storms. "This too shall pass" and so everything does! I'm hopeful and I sticking with that!!!      

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