The dream this morning is an interesting juxtaposition of people from my distant past and a war. The dream takes place near Seattle, Washington. I feel like this story is taking place in the near future or on a different time line.
It is a sunny summer day and I am actually south of Seattle proper out in the industrial park or maybe even further south than that. I can see some areas of Seattle, from my vantage point, but it is mostly covered in a massive fog bank. I am in an apartment high up in a sky scraper. I am in bed as I had worked all night working third shift somewhere. The door out to the balcony is open and I hear strange noises, and I get up and go outside to investigate. The balcony faces to the north east and 45 degrees to my left is north and the city of Seattle. Seattle, as I said, it is obscured for the most part by a thick cloud bank. I can hear military jets and explosions with flashes of light shining through the cloud cover. Seattle is under attack!!! I was in the military. I know what the sound of war planes sounds like and the sound of munitions. I know it and will never forget it. A vast majority of people having no familiarity with this experience and will not realize their city is under attack. I, myself, think I am dreaming this and dismiss it, and go back to bed.
A short while later I am woke up by my roommate. He is a guy I know from work presently in the waking world. I will refer to him as Wally to protect his privacy. Wally has a duffle bag over his left shoulder. Wally tells me he has been out collecting soda pop cans along a mile stretch of the rail road tracks. He tells me he has $60 worth of cans that he can return for the deposit. That is a very good haul. This is money he can use to pay off bills. Wally finally says that he too has heard the attack on Seattle and he is very concerned, and has determined to hike into the city to reconnoitre the situation, and tell the world. Wally rushes off well ahead of me. I get up and get dressed. I want to follow and catch up with him to see as well. I make it to the ground floor lobby when I hear a page from the overhead speakers for a Miss Monique. She is a woman I worked with in the Coast Guard over well over 20 years ago. She was extremely attractive when I worked with her and I lusted after her in a big way back then. I knew I had to intercept her before she left the building. I wanted to see her again. I find her heading toward the front exit and call out to her. She recognises me and gives a slight frown. She politely says hello and acknowledges remembering me. She is wearing a knee length skirt and tight sweater and the woman is still very attractive. I greet her with a slight hug and a peck on her right cheek. She does not like me being so affectionate and is too polite to object. We make brief small talk and I politely excuse myself, and run out of the building in hopes of catching up to Wally, the roommate, I snap out of my dazed state. There is a war going on out there! Someone needs to investigate it and report it to the world, as soon as possible, and I wasn't going to let Wally take all the glory. Which is an absurd thought, coming from me, as I am not normally given over to ego driven ambitions. I am shocked with my behaviour and I wake up.
So the first question that comes to mind is who is attacking Seattle? Is it the Russians, the North Koreans or is it an alien invasion from outer space? We never get to find out which is a bit of a cliff hanger. Why am I not afraid or stressed by this fact? This dream really highlights some odd behaviour on my part. I would not behave like this in the conscious waking world. I would be extremely anxious in real life and I would not be hanging around to talk with a beautiful woman from my past no matter how attractive she seemed to be. I would be looking to escape the war and not be any part of it. Who ever is bombing the city is not concerned a bit about killing civilians.
Seattle is my favourite city. I have been there many times and would love to live there. It's a beautiful and fun city. I remember it fondly. It distresses me that some jerks are attacking the Emerald City. What the hell? I hope this is not some premonition dream as I do have those on occasion.
I find it very fascinating watching how my unconscious dream self behaves through all this. Why am I not panicked? Why is Monique in this dream? I have not thought about her in years and never expect to ever see her again. Some dark part of my unconscious is lusting after her still. She and I were never going to be an item. She did not find me attractive at all. I perceived that she liked me but that was it. It was unrequited lust on my part. This might be why she still lingers in my unconscious in some perverse twisted way. Monique is my Lilith archetype. Oh, damn! I don't want to deal with this! I love my Haki!!! She is my eve and soul mate. Well, Mr Hyde, I acknowledge you. I accept who you are and I will work at integrating this unconscious aspect of myself and will become a better person for it. I will not be giving over to total debauchery in my conscious conduct. I am seeking a higher vibration and incarnation. I look at this dream as a spiritual lesson and I move upward and onward.
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