Tuesday, May 13, 2014
Save the Cows from the ETs!
The dream today was a bit of an odd one with some interesting symbols. I see an old building with an architectural style that suggests the Italian Renaissance. It is a large three story building made of concrete, wood and stone. It has been empty and vacant for many decades. There are large door ways and windows open to the elements.
I have been brought here by a small group of men and women for some purpose. What the precise purpose I am here for is not exactly made clear to me. Our group is met by a small slim red haired woman. The woman looks very much like the actress Shirley MacLaine. "Ms. Shirley", whom I will refer to her here as, has summoned our group to work for her. The building is empty inside and as goofy, as it sounds, Ms. Shirley has a small herd of beef cattle that she wants to board in this house. The cows are herded into the center of the high-ceilinged room and fenced in. Then we stack many bales of straw high around the pen in which the cows are kept. These cows are thoroughly protected and veiled from view. Apparently Ms. Shirley wants to keep what we are up to secret.
The real Shirley MacLaine is well known for her new age beliefs and interest in UFOs. My pet theory is that the Ms. Shirley of our dream wants to protect these poor cows from mutilation by Extra-terrestrials, or some secret military or government agency rather than being a secret covert rancher herself.
Reports of cattle mutilations began in the 1960s. Since that time the nature of these incidents is that they are precise surgical incisions that are cauterized with the removal of organs. The animals are completely drained of blood with no tracks, or signs of who, or what did it. The causes of these bizarre incidents have been attributed to everything from predators to satanic cults. UFO sightings are often associated with these events and ETs are suspected as being the culprits. Why and for what purpose they are doing these things is highly debated.
Now let's try to interpret and analyse the symbols of this dream. The renaissance style of this building suggests that I am looking at life from a new perspective. My old ideas and habits are being replaced by new ways of looking at things. The dilapidated building has become repurposed as a barn. So I suspect my unconscious is looking at doing things in surprisingly different ways. The presence of our Ms. Shirley also suggests a new age frame of reference to these symbols as well. I have always liked her. Haters like to mock her for her beliefs. I think she is a fascinating woman and I respect, and admire her for the strength of her convictions, and her courage for sharing them.
To see cattle in a dream indicates I need to proceed with caution in some situation or relationship. A herd of cattle represents a lack of individuality and on the other hand it represents great wealth, and prosperity as well. These cows are penned up and protected. They need to be taken care of and kept from harm. The barn/house is our bank. Ms. Shirley is surely worried for their safety and welfare. What her ultimate motives are for this is a mystery. Personally, I hold to my ET theory, whatever the aliens are up it is not nice to the animals and they have no respect for life or property.
Well, there you have it! I don't know what more to make of this dream. In the larger aspect of my conscious waking life my world is in a major transition. I am still trying to get my girl here from Spain through the legal immigration process. I am actively trying to pay attention to signs from God, the Universe, angels, spirit guides and ancestors. It is a slow confusing process, and frankly, we need some more magical breakthroughs. This dream seems to say, "Pay attention! Stay the course! Change as needed! More signs and assistance is coming!" God I hope so!
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