The dream this morning was brief, strange, fascinating and at times a bit absurd. It takes place in a large theatre. I am with a few close friends. We are rehearsing an odd musical. There are at least two music and dance numbers that we go over. The first song is a jingle for the department store chain, Kmart? It is a rock song recording that was composed and performed by blues music legends B.B. King and Eric Clapton. Seriously, does it get any weirder than that? I see myself changing back and forth between wearing a tuxedo and casual clothes. At one point I am alone up in the balcony singing to my friends and my co-stars that are standing in before of the stage down below.
The next image I see is an Aladdin's lamp. Oddly, the lamp has been stuffed with candy wrappers. It almost seems like someone was trying to hide a candy addiction and the lamp was the most convenient spot to stash the evidence. The image I see last, before I awake, is the Western Wall in Jerusalem. I see one of the cracks that are used to stuff folded papers of prayer notes.
Over the centuries a tradition has developed at the Western Wall and people have placed notes with prayers and well wishes written on them. Well over a million notes are placed between the sacred stones every year in many languages by people of many faiths.
Ok, so now we have three major symbols to work with in our dream analysis. We have 1.) the theatre, 2.) Aladdin's lamp and 3.): notes in the Western Wall. The strange musical could be considered a minor fourth symbol.
Where to begin? Let's start with the theatre. It is the most obvious place to start.
Shakespeare said, "All the world is a stage, and all men and women are merely players; they have their exits and entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts, his acts being seven ages."
Well, this is very true. Life seems to be one long drama. The theatre is an apt metaphor for life. This has been a reoccurring theme, of late, in my dreams. I used to love to spend time listening to music. It has not been a regular part of my life in a long time. My unconscious may be telling me I need to be singing my own tune more often. Music is very powerful in every conceivable way. It is a power that I could be utilizing more to realize my hopes and dreams. I suspect my unconscious and conscious self is craving it. The unconscious may be wanting me to find my true inner voice and express my truth.
Now let's consider Aladdin's lamp. The lamp is symbol of higher learning. Briefly, the long tale of Aladdin and his lamp was about a young man with a magic lamp and a magic ring. There are genies in both. A wicked greedy uncle steals the lamp and Aladdin's riches with it. Aladdin uses the magic ring to reclaim his riches with the help of the much less powerful genie within the ring. The story is packed with esoteric knowledge, allegories and symbols. To say it in the most simplistic terms; Aladdin represents our conscious mind, and the genie, and the lamp the unconscious. The candy wrappers I think might suggest I am filling my unconscious with the refuse of a bad diet, perhaps. Am I filling myself up with trash symbolically like the lamp is filled. Perhaps I should be rubbing that lamp and getting some metaphysical power out of it, rather than, using it for a trash can? Something to think about! Perhaps, I should be looking to make my mind (the genie and the lamp) my servant rather than letting it be my master?
Finally, let's examine the vision of the notes in the Western Wall. I should disclose here that I have been using a website for years to have my prayers and wishes transcribed on to notes to be placed into the sacred stones. My chief wish being for God to unite me with my bashert or soul mate. I was reminded in my dreams recently that I done this many years ago. The reality of it had slipped from my conscious memory, and now it has recently reappeared.
It is very interesting that this imagery has returned to my conscious awareness at his time. The timing can be no accident. There is divine synchronicity in this I am certain. The photo here is just like what I saw in the dream. I am being reminded of what I have been dreaming and wishing to be made manifest for a long time. It must be a reminder to double my efforts or to let go and just let is happen. I might be working too hard on this maybe? I don't know which. A part of me wants to go down fighting to get my girl here and another wants to surrender. I'm about at my wits end. I am taking a break from the constant battle today. No clear choices of strategy seem apparent to me right now. I don't know what to do so I do everything I possibly can and hope something works.
There is an old expression: "The Lord works in mysterious ways." So what am I to do to get my hearts desire? Should I be doing anything? Everything I have been trying has been like swimming up stream. Does this dream provide any answers? I seem to have a handful of clues here. I guess, like always, I will think long and hard about it, and perhaps, just perhaps, something useful will come to my conscious awareness. I'm grasping at straws here and hoping to come up with a diamond.
Over the centuries a tradition has developed at the Western Wall and people have placed notes with prayers and well wishes written on them. Well over a million notes are placed between the sacred stones every year in many languages by people of many faiths.
Ok, so now we have three major symbols to work with in our dream analysis. We have 1.) the theatre, 2.) Aladdin's lamp and 3.): notes in the Western Wall. The strange musical could be considered a minor fourth symbol.
Where to begin? Let's start with the theatre. It is the most obvious place to start.
Shakespeare said, "All the world is a stage, and all men and women are merely players; they have their exits and entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts, his acts being seven ages."
Well, this is very true. Life seems to be one long drama. The theatre is an apt metaphor for life. This has been a reoccurring theme, of late, in my dreams. I used to love to spend time listening to music. It has not been a regular part of my life in a long time. My unconscious may be telling me I need to be singing my own tune more often. Music is very powerful in every conceivable way. It is a power that I could be utilizing more to realize my hopes and dreams. I suspect my unconscious and conscious self is craving it. The unconscious may be wanting me to find my true inner voice and express my truth.
Now let's consider Aladdin's lamp. The lamp is symbol of higher learning. Briefly, the long tale of Aladdin and his lamp was about a young man with a magic lamp and a magic ring. There are genies in both. A wicked greedy uncle steals the lamp and Aladdin's riches with it. Aladdin uses the magic ring to reclaim his riches with the help of the much less powerful genie within the ring. The story is packed with esoteric knowledge, allegories and symbols. To say it in the most simplistic terms; Aladdin represents our conscious mind, and the genie, and the lamp the unconscious. The candy wrappers I think might suggest I am filling my unconscious with the refuse of a bad diet, perhaps. Am I filling myself up with trash symbolically like the lamp is filled. Perhaps I should be rubbing that lamp and getting some metaphysical power out of it, rather than, using it for a trash can? Something to think about! Perhaps, I should be looking to make my mind (the genie and the lamp) my servant rather than letting it be my master?
Finally, let's examine the vision of the notes in the Western Wall. I should disclose here that I have been using a website for years to have my prayers and wishes transcribed on to notes to be placed into the sacred stones. My chief wish being for God to unite me with my bashert or soul mate. I was reminded in my dreams recently that I done this many years ago. The reality of it had slipped from my conscious memory, and now it has recently reappeared.
It is very interesting that this imagery has returned to my conscious awareness at his time. The timing can be no accident. There is divine synchronicity in this I am certain. The photo here is just like what I saw in the dream. I am being reminded of what I have been dreaming and wishing to be made manifest for a long time. It must be a reminder to double my efforts or to let go and just let is happen. I might be working too hard on this maybe? I don't know which. A part of me wants to go down fighting to get my girl here and another wants to surrender. I'm about at my wits end. I am taking a break from the constant battle today. No clear choices of strategy seem apparent to me right now. I don't know what to do so I do everything I possibly can and hope something works.
There is an old expression: "The Lord works in mysterious ways." So what am I to do to get my hearts desire? Should I be doing anything? Everything I have been trying has been like swimming up stream. Does this dream provide any answers? I seem to have a handful of clues here. I guess, like always, I will think long and hard about it, and perhaps, just perhaps, something useful will come to my conscious awareness. I'm grasping at straws here and hoping to come up with a diamond.
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