Saturday, March 5, 2016

Survey Death Race

The dream this morning begins with me walking down a city sidewalk, when suddenly, I am whisked away into a building, and in this building is a classroom. Myself, and about 20 others, have been randomly kidnapped to take part in some bizarre experiment, or publicity stunt. I do not know what the heck is going on.

There are people in blue blazers and ties, and they are demanding that their hostages spend the next 24 hours completing 20 question surveys. The surveys are given one after another. We are not allowed any trips to the bathroom or any breaks at all. I furiously pencil in answers to never ending pages of surveys. They keep coming one after another. I have no idea what the questions are nor do I care about my answers. The questions are multiple choice and I just darken the circles on the sheets. I am sweating and crying, and our inquisitors poke and shake me to get me to comply to their demands.

When the 24 hours ends each hostage is then given a sports car and are instructed to drive if they want to live! Everyone wants to get away from these crazy bastards and we each make a beeline for the nearest available vehicle.

I am one of the first to get mine and I smoke, and squeal the tires getting out of there. I watch in horror as one car drives up behind and on top of a car to my right. There is fire and screams, and chaos all around me as I wake up in a cold sweat.

What an insane dream!  I have been working at a furious pace for months. My work partner has a broken car. I have been taking him to work. We have been working together doing his projects and mine all over the State. I am exhausted and I never seem to get it all done. I keep getting further behind in getting my paper work completed on time as well. This is all reflected in the dream.

I think the unconscious is telling me to slow down, and if I do, I might find I will get more done. I need to finish the race like the tortoise rather than the hare. I work every damn day without a day off and I am getting very cranky. I need a break.

Some telemarketer called me yesterday. I hung up on her. I have always politely allowed them to give their spiel in the past before saying no thank you. This time I just slammed the phone. Life is too short and my wallet to too thin to indulge them or me. I just don't care. I am tired  and have too much to do.

My work partner snores away while I chauffeur him around, yet he busts my chops, if I appear even remotely fatigued! He is such a hypocrite. I want to slap him. Sigh! I am very cranky. I do need a vacation. Thanks  for the reminder unconscious!    


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