This Christmas morning I dream I have gone to visit my father and step-mother with my wife for Christmas dinner. I see myself talking in the living room with my dad. Dad is quite upset. He tells me he has a huge Christmas present surprise for me and it was supposed to have been delivered by semi-truck, by the neighbour up the hill, and down the road hours ago. Dad is furious and calls the man on the phone. The man becomes very frightened by my father and promises to delivered our present as fast as possible.
The very next thing I see is a semi truck race down the hill and the truck is moving recklessly at an insanely fast speed. I can see it drive off the road and through the back yard, across a huge empty field, it pushes through a grove of trees, and then heads south, and crosses the street, and then pushes through a dense forest, knocking down fully grown trees for some distance, maybe a mile or two, and then explodes in a huge fireball that lights up the forest so much that can been for miles.
I do not know what that driver was hauling, but damn, that was a huge explosion! I have a plot of land down the street from my father. The land is my inheritance. I think in the dream I secretly want the truck to be hauling the construction materials for a new home. It has been my living dream for many years to build a house. I want to provide a home for my wife and future children.
Our actual Christmas dinner was not as dramatic as this dream. We had a nice turkey dinner and got nice presents from my folks. The step-mother created a nice collage of our wedding photos and gave it as a gift to my wife and I. There was no truck or explosion, thank God. Dad is poorer than me. He could never afford to buy us a house.
So was this dream telling me something? Are my dreams of owning a home going up in smoke? Perhaps it is telling me to not rely on the charity of others to complete this task? Who knows? I might save the life of some unfortunate truck driver if I take a different route to our goal. It gives me something to think about.
2016 should be a year of great progress and success. In 2015, I went from being alone and homeless, to being married with a great job, and living in a nice apartment. I am feeling great hope. Oddly this dream does not discourage me, but to the contrary, it inspires me. In the waking world my dad is not so much the angry man he used to be like in this dream. Old age has softened him. I have a feeling my waking dreams are going to be a whole lot nicer than my sleeping dreams in the coming year. We shall see. It will be interesting to revisit this dream next Christmas and see what will have transpired in the course of a year. Cheers to my best year ever! Bring it on.
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