The dream this morning takes place
in an ancient city in Egypt which is under siege. The city is occupied by
soldiers wearing black and white armor. They look like ancient Greek
soldiers. The army attacking the city is commanded by a mysterious unseen
woman known as the "Red Queen". Her army is ancient Egyptian in
appearance. and has surrounded the city and seeks to route the invaders and
retake the city.
They have a hostage. It is my wife, Hakima. She is tied up with rope and is standing before the Red Queen's army in view of the soldiers within the city walls. Hakima is dress like an Egyptian woman of antiquity.
I am here in this dream, as well, and I am dressed as a Roman soldier. I have entered the city with a handful of Roman centurions via a secret passage. I am on a personal mission to end this war and rescue my wife from the clutches of the Red Queen. My objective is first to kill the general of this invading army which should facilitate their eventual surrender, and giving me my chance to get near my wife, and effect rescuing her.
I can see the general. He is
standing on a high rampart with steep stairs leading to the top. He has a
commanding view of city and the Red Queen's army. He is a tall thin man who looks very noble and regal in his black, and white armour which
is reminiscent of what the ancient Greek soldiers wore. He has one
body guard at his left hand side. I quickly and stealthily ascend the stairs,
and point a short sword at his back. I decide, right then and there, to ask him
to surrender rather than kill him. I would much rather end this
war peacefully rather than with bloodshed.
Suddenly, the general is struck
by two arrows, right in the stomach, I pivot to the right and
watch in horror, as he is flung backward in slow motion, head first off
the rampart, and into an abyss below. This is the point at which I wake
Currently, in my waking life I am
dealing with a situation of trying to find a new apartment or house for my wife
and I , and like Moses and the children of Israel, I am wandering in the
wilderness. We were being held hostage to a languishing process. My wife's immigration status is
supposedly, again, holding up the progress to getting us into a place to
I am getting sick of the constant war with bureaucracy to live a settled life with my wife. This dream is a reflection of this. I have been at war for so long and I yearn for peace. The dream's narrative has some parallels with the actual ancient historical accounts like the story of the Trojan War and the story of Mark Anthony, and Cleopatra. There is a long tradition of taking hostages in the near East.
and of tragic relationship alliances.
This dream comes with a whole host of iconic images for us to analyse and interpret. There is the historical place, time and setting and there is a war, political intrigue, a hostage and romance. It looks like a Cecil B DeMille movie by all appearances. We have a cast of characters: The Red Queen, the General, opposing armies, a bound hostage and a desperate soldier. All these are our essential ingredients we can use to gain an understanding and to deduce some meaning.
First lets examine The Red Queen. There are two aspects to her we should consider. Here is a brief summary of her from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:
"The Red Queen hypothesis, also referred to as Red Queen's, Red Queen's race or The Red Queen Effect, is an evolutionary hypothesis which proposes that organisms must constantly adapt, evolve, and proliferate not merely to gain reproductive advantage, but also simply to survive while pitted against ever-evolving opposing organisms in an ever-changing environment, and intends to explain two different phenomena: the constant extinction rates as observed in the paleontological record caused by co-evolution between competing species[1] and the advantage of sexual reproduction (as opposed to asexual reproduction) at the level of individuals.[2]"
An stunning synchronicity was made by me when looking at the research about The Red Queen. She shares an archetype with "bloody" Mary I, Queen of England. Who is referred to by me in my previous dream blog. That is very spooky and chilling!
The Red Queen plays the role of the antagonist in this dream story and she remains mysterious, and unseen. She is aloof and yet she is engaged in the conflict. She is the anima. The personification of all feminine psychological tendencies within man. It interesting that all the apartment managers and lawyers I have been dealing with in our long on going apartment saga are all women. I definitely feel under siege by the woman. My wife is held hostage by this process in the figurative and the real sense.
The Red Queen hypothesis plays a part in this drama. My wife and I want to have a home and children. The whole sex and reproduction aspect of our condition is playing out here as well. My mate is tied up and a condition of separation exists. The overall theme here is that things are out of balance. I need to re-examine what I love and value, and what am I prepared to do, and think about how I am going to go about changing it.
I think it significant that I chose to not kill the General. It speaks to a change in my heart about violence and a willingness to chose another path. The fact that the General gets killed, in spite of my best intentions, speaks to the role of fate in our lives. Some things, it would appear, are meant to happen. Whatever may happen in this life we still exercise some free will, but the outcomes of every situation are, more often than not, out of our control. Such is life! Life can be harsh.
The Roman soldier persona I assume in this dream speaks to male energy and the hero archetype. I have a mission to rescue my feminine half in the form of my wife. My mission is covert and in hostile enemy territory, and the stakes are high. So much of my life is a struggle that is, mentally and spiritually, like being a special forces soldier. This is how I am internally feeling and experiencing it. The challenges are not necessarily life threatening, but the stress is taking a toll on me psychologically for sure.
Now I feel the need to try and summarize all these insights and come to some coherent conclusion concerning this dream. I want and need to have some meaningful take away from it. I will feel personally dissatisfied if I don't.
The main theme seems to be to continue to fight for what I desire. I have succeeded at getting the new apartment and creating some small measure of stability at the moment in our life situation. There will still be unexpected things that are going to happen. The dream left open what the ending of the story is going to be. This so often happens in my dreams. The last chapter of the drama could arrive with number of possible endings. A conclusion is only loosely implied at this point.
We shall wait to see if my life and my dreams will coincide, collide or be contrary to each other. Will there be a winner, a loser or does everybody get killed in this war with the Red Queen? When it comes to war, it seems, everyone loses something even the victors.
The Red Queen plays the role of the antagonist in this dream story and she remains mysterious, and unseen. She is aloof and yet she is engaged in the conflict. She is the anima. The personification of all feminine psychological tendencies within man. It interesting that all the apartment managers and lawyers I have been dealing with in our long on going apartment saga are all women. I definitely feel under siege by the woman. My wife is held hostage by this process in the figurative and the real sense.
The Red Queen hypothesis plays a part in this drama. My wife and I want to have a home and children. The whole sex and reproduction aspect of our condition is playing out here as well. My mate is tied up and a condition of separation exists. The overall theme here is that things are out of balance. I need to re-examine what I love and value, and what am I prepared to do, and think about how I am going to go about changing it.
I think it significant that I chose to not kill the General. It speaks to a change in my heart about violence and a willingness to chose another path. The fact that the General gets killed, in spite of my best intentions, speaks to the role of fate in our lives. Some things, it would appear, are meant to happen. Whatever may happen in this life we still exercise some free will, but the outcomes of every situation are, more often than not, out of our control. Such is life! Life can be harsh.
The Roman soldier persona I assume in this dream speaks to male energy and the hero archetype. I have a mission to rescue my feminine half in the form of my wife. My mission is covert and in hostile enemy territory, and the stakes are high. So much of my life is a struggle that is, mentally and spiritually, like being a special forces soldier. This is how I am internally feeling and experiencing it. The challenges are not necessarily life threatening, but the stress is taking a toll on me psychologically for sure.
Now I feel the need to try and summarize all these insights and come to some coherent conclusion concerning this dream. I want and need to have some meaningful take away from it. I will feel personally dissatisfied if I don't.
The main theme seems to be to continue to fight for what I desire. I have succeeded at getting the new apartment and creating some small measure of stability at the moment in our life situation. There will still be unexpected things that are going to happen. The dream left open what the ending of the story is going to be. This so often happens in my dreams. The last chapter of the drama could arrive with number of possible endings. A conclusion is only loosely implied at this point.
We shall wait to see if my life and my dreams will coincide, collide or be contrary to each other. Will there be a winner, a loser or does everybody get killed in this war with the Red Queen? When it comes to war, it seems, everyone loses something even the victors.
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