Sunday, July 27, 2014

Bluegill Spring Inventory

The dream today came on after a long night at work and an early morning fishing trip with my friend Kal. I was exhausted after doing both activities. The dream was a strange combination of both of work and play.

In the dream I see a vacant lot of rural property. It is one that I own in real life with my dad up north. This land is my inheritance and is something I have dreamt of building a home on for many years. It is a warm sunny summer day and suddenly I see a natural spring of water burst forth from under the drive way and flood the whole two acre lot. The whole area is quickly filled with water to about two feet in depth and becomes miraculously filled with jumbo-sized bluegill fish.

Kal and I walk around the site and start reeling in fish left and right with our fishing poles. Then we start doing something a little strange...we then start bagging and inventorying our catch and put it on shelves. It is just like what I do at my retail job. I read UPC codes and match items to shelf price tags and put the items on the shelves where they belong.

It definitely feels illogical and silly to be catching fish, and to be bagging them, and putting them on shelves. Fish should be cleaned and cooked right away or at least, frozen to be eaten later. Like I said, this dream, is a weird combo of me at work and at play.

Dreaming of fish and fishing is an allusion to the sub-conscious mind. Water represents the emotions. The act of fish suggests wrestling with the hidden repressed thoughts and emotions of the unconscious mind. I am expressing a willingness to confront my issues. I believe I am doing an internal audit of what is there when we inventory the fish. I have tons of fish and tons of issues.

The flood suggests my unconscious issues are about to spill out in to my conscious reality. Perhaps I need to be reeling a lot of them in before they go free range and cause me some problems. That is something to consider.

It was enjoyable to spend time outdoors. I need a break and some relaxation. Dream is reminding me to have some fun. The fact the dream takes place at the property I own with my dad must be significant. Dad will not give it to me with a clear title now. He is a control freak. I pay taxes on it and get no benefit from it. Well, if it ever does flood and fill with fish, then I will be able to at least catch some dinner from it if dad allows.

Overall, an interesting dream. One thing for sure is my mind and body is exhausted. I can tell when my dream life and waking life start to blur together.  Is this a bad or good thing? I will be thinking that over for a good while. Now I'm hungry for a fish dinner and nap.

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