Monday, January 15, 2024


The dream this morning was about polar bears. The dream begins with me walking toward a very simple looking house surrounded by four-foot-high chain link fence. There is snow everywhere. The place reminds me of photos I have seen of Inuit villages in the far north of Alaska. I am approaching a right-side door to enter the house. Suddenly, I hear heavy breathing, I turn back to see an old hungry male polar bear rushing toward me. I left the driveway gate open, and this old bear wants to eat me badly. I must hurry to get into the house. I make it inside and the bear crashes inside behind me. He is not going to give up easily. He chases after me through every room through the length of the house. We come to the last room with the last exit door.  Here there is a washer and dryer. I hastily push these in front of the door going into the room. My faint hope is it might slow him down a bit. The bear is angry, and I hear him roar. I run out the last door to the outside. 

Okay, I think, I got out of this fix, but no, there is another polar bear outside! This polar bear is a female. She sees me and immediately charges at me. I need a quick plan. Well, I am carrying a blanket for some weird reason. I will cover the head of the bear, confuse it, and roll away out of its path. The bear stops and it really is confused. I look behind me and see more strange things. There is a younger man. I believe he is a teen age version of me. The boy is trying to free a newborn polar bear that has its head stuck in a hole in the fence. The little bear is about the size of a house cat. The poor thing is crying and whimpering. Young me is trying to pull him through. All of a sudden, we see another polar bear cub fly over the fence. It makes a "whee" sound and it almost seems to be laughing. This seems so improbable and cartoonish. I wake up from the dream so bemused. 

This dream began with terror and ended up on a hysterical note. I think back on YouTube videos I have seen of actual polar bear encounters. The men often narrowly miss getting eaten by running around a vehicle. They either get inside or on top of the vehicle and out of reach of the predator. I suppose some people have been dinner for these guys. I just do not recall having seen a video where that may have happened.  

So how to interpret this dream? Polar bear symbolism suggests strength and courage. The polar bear is tough. They have come to remind me that my current challenges in life may seem fierce and intimidating these obstacles I can overcome. Stay hungry and stay on the path in spite of how hostile the environment may be. The polar bears are guiding me between the world of the living and the world of spirit. 

Sometimes, polar bear meaning portends that a spiritual journey may begin, and clairvoyant senses may awaken.  

That male bear just missed making lunch out of me. I feel for the old guy. I think he was reminding me to be opened minded about what the meaning of a home can be. Don't become complacent and think it the ultimate expression of safety and security. 

The momma bear certainly reminds me of my wife who is the mother of my child. I know I have at times put a wet blanket on her dreams and smothered her anger on occasion.  The infant bear in this dream was small, vulnerable, and pinkish. Reminds me of my special needs daughter when she was born. The older flying laughing bear cub reminds me of another dream I had of my daughter being trained to fly by an angel. My little girl leaped into the air with joy. She can barely stand or walk now. I stand with hope that she will jump for joy one day and I will live see it. The presence of a younger me is a reminder to think back on what I once dreamed a family was supposed to be verses what it is now for me.  

Overall, this dream seems to feel like a net positive.  I need to open my eyes and have greater situational awareness. 

Sunday, October 15, 2023

Orange You Glad to be Alive?

The dream this morning takes place in China during the 1700's. I am the First Mate of a sailing ship; it could be a merchant vessel or privateer. I am wearing clothing exactly like that pictured above, with the captain, and crew on shore. 

In the dream I see the captain and the crew to the right and I am standing alone apart from them to the left, off to the distance, a few miles away, I see a Catholic Mission. There is a school building, a tall brick Cathedral, and a factory. 

What is made in this factory is not clear to me. There are 100 men who work there. The men from the factory are Christians. Their children attend school in the building across the street. Everyone attends Mass in the cathedral. 

Suddenly, the factory has an explosion. There is a mushroom cloud, and the building becomes engulfed in flames. All 100 of the men inside are killed. Somehow, I am falsely accused of being the cause of this disaster. The Chinese emperor demands that I pay him reparations. He is angry that he has lost 100 good tax paying workers. His price is for me to create an orchard of 100 orange trees or forfeit my life.   

So I set out to find and buy 100 nursery sized orange trees from the locals. I am buying them up 1 or 2 at a time from every farmer I can find throughout the land. I see trees neatly standing together with the roots tied up with burlap bags. I think I have collected perhaps 30 to 40 trees. It is far short of the goal. I feel like I have been set up to fail. The emperor surely knows there are not enough orange trees in the land to meet his quota. 

The emperor sends an armored knight to come and demand payment, or he will terminate me on the spot. This warrior, however, is dressed in European medieval armor. He comes at me sword in hand. He pretty much intends to kill me. He moves awkwardly in the armor. He loses his footing and falls into a pool to his left. The edge of the pool is slippery with mud. I rush forward to try to catch the man before he falls in, but I too slip in the mud, and fall in after him. The pool quickly drains. It seems to be hundreds of feet deep. The knight disappears in its depth. My shirt becomes hooked on some sharp metal point, and I am clinging to a steel I-beam by my arms trying to pull myself up. 

Meanwhile above me our captain and the crew look on in amazement at what transpired and assume I am dead. However, there is an attractive dark-haired European woman in our party that sees me in the shaft and knows that I yet live. I signal to her to not reveal that I have survived. This is when I awake from the dream. 

The key element of this dream seems to be those orange trees. The emperor knew exactly what their symbolic meaning was...

The Orange became a symbol of their prosperity as it suggested great wealth, dreamy destinations and far-off lands. In Eastern history, orange trees have come to symbolize prosperity, and happiness. -Google August 2022. 

How do I summarize the meaning of this dream? Orange trees are a high yield fruit tree, and they would, of course, generate a lot of wealth, and productivity over time. The emperor demands his due and I am in his way of his desire. His concern seems to be more for his wealth and then for the peasants.  The orange trees seem a poor substitute for their lives. Although, I must admit he has some sense of justice as he sought to rebalance the loss of life with another living commodity, the fruit trees. 

It seems clear to me that I was not at fault for the explosion that destroyed the factory. It is a mystery as to why it happened and who may have been at fault. Perhaps it was just a dangerous work environment? An industrial accident?  Sabotage? Maybe the emperor wanted the Christians gone from his kingdom and this was his means to get rid of them and force the foreigners to leave. Historically this was true for hundreds of years in China.  

This whole business of the armored knight that comes to execute me he might be a hired assassin of a rival European superpower. A mercenary hired by the emperor. Or working on behalf of another captain, king or the pope? It's political intrigue or corporate espionage. It all makes for a great story. Reminds me of the novel "Shogun" by James Clavell in many ways. 

It's interesting that I survive the attempt to kill me. The dream ends with a literal cliff hanger. The suggestion is I crawl out of this pit and survive to restore my reputation and there is a possible love interest with a mysterious young woman. The hero's journey might yet continue. 

I am always amazed at all the storylines the subconscious creates. Lately, I have this desire to return to writing. I want to become a published author. I have ideas for books I want to write. It would be awesome to write a movie screen play or a series of novels. Perhaps, when I finally become fully retired, I will have the time to put a full effort into writing. I hope I can.                      

Friday, July 28, 2023

White Eagle Dream


The Dream this norning beginings in my bed. I sit up in my bed and it is dark. My family is sleeping. In am dreaming that I have awoken from sleep. I walk from my room and I am no longer longer in my apartment, but I am in some large institutional building. The place feels like a school or hospital. I am trying to get out of this place. There is staff and woman administrator coming towards me. They want to confront me. They are not happy that I am wandering around there building in my night clothes. They must think I am trespressing or some kind of weird intruder. One male member of the staff is chasing me down hallways. I am desperately looking for an elevator or an exit. At one point he corners me in cubbyhole that looks like a possible exit, but it is not. I burst past him and look to my left. The wall disappears and it becomes a rocky sea shore, and I see a military like ridged hull inflatible boat,RHIB,speeding toward me. It is a rescue mission! There are about 4 men and 2 woman onboard. I wade out to boat up to my chest and I am pulled aboard. Thank God they are here to rescue me! Next things take an unexpected turn. A Mexican man wades out to the boat too. He wants so badly to escape the instituion too. My rescuers plead with the man to come aboard. We must make room for him only the boat is full. There is no room for an additional person. So I selflessly sacrifice my own position to allow him a place. I swim back to the institution and the rescue mission powers away. Now I wander about the halls of the building. No one seems to care about me any longer. Suddenly, a wall before me, disolves, and I see a white sandy beach. It is sunny and breezy. On the opposite side of the waterway I see small cottages. Then all of a sudden a magnificent white eagle swoops down from my right and lands on the beach right in front of me. The raptor is an albino bald eagle. There are some flecks of black in his plumage, but mostly he is a beaming white bird. His left side is towrd me and he cocks his head toward me. He stares at me with proud piercing eyes, and I hear these words in my head, "Look to your Freedom here!".
Then I wake up. It was odd that at the start, that this dream began with me waking up, and yet still being asleep in my bed. That is such a weird idea. Was I astral traveling? I'm not so sure. The building and the people there really gave me the sense of being uncomfortabily pursued and trapped. That institution felt sterile and oppressive. It felt like some communist enclave that I had to get out from. Was it some kind of federal prison? The people and the place felt modern, and oppresive, like something out of 1984. The ridged hull inflatible boat, RHIB, is very familiar to me. I know about these boats from my time serving in the U.S. Coast Guard. These are very useful for boarding ships and performing rescues. My past military history still informs my present dreams. Those experiences will forever affect me. They are engrained in my psyche. It is interesting that I sacrifice my own freedom to save the Mexican man. Selfless service is one of values that comes with nilitary service. You just do it and not dwell too much on the consequences afterwards. I am glad the Mexican man got to escape. It seems The Creator had a different plan for me. It was so stunning to see the white eagle in this dream. This was the most amazing part of this dream and it fills me with hope. I believe it portends good news. The white eagle reflects the power of the sun. Many Native American cultures regard the eagle as a messenger of the gods. The white eagle comes from the spirit world. It is symbolic of strength and power. It is seen as a sign of wisdom and knowledge. In dreams, white eagles are said to represent our higher selves, or our ability to rise above challenges and reach our goals. Good news is coming! Some kind of victory is coming my way. I have no doubt. The landing of the eagle on the beach must have some signifigance. I think it suggests a need to find the peace and tranquilty a beach has to offer. I think of trips to Florida I did in my younger years. White sand and waves lapping at the beach. I also vividly remember a trip I had to Bermuda years ago. I sat in a horseshoe bay on a white sand beach with a beer and turkey sandwich. What a blissful moment. Those tiny cottages on the opposite shore fill me with longing too. I hope to have a home some day in the future. When the eagle stood there between me and that view of thise cottages and said, "Look to your freedom here", was he suggesting look to him or look to this place for my freedom? I am starting to think he meant for me to look internally for my freedom. That it is more a state of mind than a physical place. Well, that surely gives me a lot to ponder. A cottage on the beach is a great responsibilty and yet it can be destroyed in a hurricane in mere seconds. To say that material things are imperament is to speak a truth. Still, it sure would be welcome to experience that even it was just a fleeting moment in time. Such is the nature of life. Experiences are just points on a continuim.

Friday, March 8, 2019

Terrorists, Tuna Swords and Sea Captains

See the source image

The dream this morning begins in a military office. I see a U.S. Army general talking to a female U.S. Navy Corpsman. There is a terrorist attack taking place in an American city. The Corpsman is arguing with the general to commit to a rescue operation. A factory in this occupied city has hostages. The hostages are, in fact, mainly myself and my infant daughter. The General has refused to risk his troops on a rescue op. The Corpsman marches out of the office in disgust and I see her walking toward the city. She is determined to go it alone if necessary.

The scene then moves to a office inside the occupied factory. I am standing there with my 6 month old daughter in my arms. There are two terrorists standing guard in front of the door leading outside. A short swarthy man enters, bizarrely I see he is carrying a tuna fish by the tail with his left hand and cradled in his right arm is a Japanese tuna sword. Apparently he intended to pass through the office to a nearby kitchen to butcher the fish. I seize this opportunity to attack the man. I wrench the sword out of his arm and I chop off his left arm. The men outside hear his blood curdling scream and come storming in. A melee then ensues between me and the terrorists all the while I am holding my daughter in one arm and a sword in the other trying to protect her amidst this chaos. The dream ends here and becomes another.

The next dream finds me in Alaska. I am witnessing a re-enactment of the Captain Cook landing in Cook Inlet Alaska in 1778. I see British longboats paddling to shore. There are numerous modern support ships and vessels watching and recording the event. The water has become quite rough. Some of the longboats boats are becoming swamped.

On one longboat I see one British seaman re-actor manning the oars and an officer with his tri-cornered hat facing him standing in the bow. The front half of the boat is flooded and is about to sink. A small tugboat-like support ship motors up alongside and the officer takes a dignified steps from the his longboat onto the deck of the support ship. A wave crashes over the deck. the officer is nonplussed. He pulls out a cell phone from a vest pocket. He speed dials the Coast Guard and holds the phone high and shouts defiantly, "I got signal bitches!". Then I wake up laughing.

The incident with the terrorists and the tuna sword reminds of a video I watched many months ago about a famous Japanese butcher who fillets up huge tunas for high priced clients in Japan. He was very precise and professional with that sharp sword he owned. He recounted a true story of a butcher that used his blade on some yakuza dudes that wanted to extort money out of him. Clearly that video has lain dormant in my subconscious and has bubbled up in the form of that dream. No shock that I am very protective of my daughter.

The second part of this dream with the boats is interesting in that it is the continuation of a nautical theme that has surfaced in my dreams of late. I am starting to think I miss my old experiences at sea from back when I served in the U.S. Coast Guard. I never thought I would nostalgic for those old times and places, but I do. Water has much to do with dreams and emotions. They go hand in hand.

What to make of all this in it's totality?  It seems to be a response to fear both real and imagined. There is perhaps a battle going on with my shadow self. There is a confrontation with the violence inherit in myself and inherit in the natural world. It is kill or be killed within and without. I will not go quietly into that good night.

" Do not go gentle into that good night, Old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying light." Dylan Thomas 1914 - 1953





Thursday, February 7, 2019

Meeting Miss Nancy

The dream begins dockside on a small ship in the Pacific Northwest. I am with my old retired army buddy Kal. My buddy and I served many years together in Michigan National Guard, Kal and I, with a handful of other retired vets, board what looks like a grey navy ship. We are going on cruise up the inside passage.

The waters inside the inside passage are calm and mirror like as we motor north. It is a warm beautiful summer day. Ahead on our starboard side, heading south, we see a vessel that is some type of barge or ferry. This boat has been specially constructed for the Army Corp of Engineers to carry a helicopter. The helicopter is one of those old bell 47 choppers with the glass dome wind shield. I watch it go by and wonder to myself where it is headed and what it will be used for.

Suddenly, I am feeling quite tired and decide to turn in for the night. I head below to find a rack to sleep in. I climb up into a bunk and fall asleep.

The next day I wake up to discover we have made port in some Alaskan fishing village. My companions have all gone into town. Nearby I can see what looks like a shopping mall. I walk down the gangplank, down the pier and right into the front entrance of the mall. The space inside the mall is set up much like a convention centre with booths and stalls set up everywhere. Immediately in front of me are a set of stairs leading to a lower level. When I reach the bottom I see a lectern and on the lectern is a guest book is open. I see a sign with a photo of Nancy Reagan. Apparently I have wandered into a funeral. Is this Mrs Reagan's funeral? It looks that way, but I think not. Next thing I know Nancy walks into the room! Nancy looks at me with a knowing smile. No words are spoken between us. I bow my head out of a show of respect for the former first lady. I have fond memories of the Reagan Administration.  President Reagan was a great man.

Nancy walks into an adjoining room. In this room are about 7 or 8 ladies gathered together with a photographer to sit for a group portrait. I look to my left and I see a small auditorium. I see a closed casket to the left and seated in the front row of seats I can see Kal and four other of our veteran friends. Who is in the casket I do not know. On the opposite side of the room between the front row of seats and the casket I can a see a soldier in his dress uniform standing behind a swinging wood door. His head and shoulders and lower legs are all that are visible. I can just  make out there is a folded flag in his arms and it is being held over his heart with both hands. This is where the dream ends.

Mrs Reagan passed on March 11, 2016. I have not thought of her in years. She seemed like such a nice person. She had a warm wonderful smile just like the President. It was an honour to have served during the Reagan years.

Why am I meeting Miss Nancy in a dream? My buddy Kal and I are Cold War veterans. A lot of the old soldiers we served with have passed on now. We both have been to our share of funerals. Honestly, I do not know what to think about with this dream. It would have been great to have met Nancy in the waking world. Perhaps I have met her in the spirit world? I feel like I have.

I served in the U.S. Coast Guard in Alaska as well during my long military career. I am well familiar with Alaska, ships and the communities there. The geography has been imprinted on my mind. I will never forget my time spent there and the people I met. I gave up many years in selfless patriotic service to my country. Perhaps my mind is indulging itself in nostalgia. Note to self: clearly I need to ponder this dream a lot more deeply to glean some messages or information from it. This means something.  

Friday, July 27, 2018

Flying and Launch Lessons

See the source image
The dream this morning involves an angel and my soon to be born daughter Sarah. This dream could be precognizant or it is information I have been allowed to see. I am not sure I should even write about this, but I feel a need to make a record lest I forget the details. This dream may be important one day in the future. 

In the dream I see a slim tall white angel. He is dressed in a white suit and tie, blond, looks a lot like David Bowie with wings. He has come down to a earth city. The angel has become famous for his ability to fly like some kind of super hero. The people have no idea the man they see is a spiritual being and his wings are invisible to them. They think he is some sort of new human with a natural ability to fly. 

I see the angel fly toward two 12 story buildings that are side by side at 45 degree angles every floor is open to the outdoors. I see many families seated at tables looking out at the Angel as he flies up to the top floor. The angel looks in at all of them. The people stare in amazement. They ask, "How can this beautiful amazing person do this? We must give him a gold medal for this magnificent human achievement!" 

Next I see the angel with a bright gold shining medal around his neck. The angel is profoundly embarrassed. He has done nothing to deserve a medal, but his true identity must remain secret while he is here on earth. He has come for a mission. 

My unborn daughter Sarah is his mission. The angel has come to give my new angel a flying lesson. I see my girl is a toddler. She is wearing a diaper. The angel looks at Sarah and demonstrates a flying leap to her. He comes back to her and motions with arm in a sweeping gesture for her to do the same. Sarah in on all fours and leaps like a frog into the air. She bursts out laughing in midflight. The angel smiles and he then turns his gaze to a distant skyscraper in the city and without a word he flies off to it. He intends to fly off to other even taller buildings. There are many others that are in need of flying lessons. 

Sarah has reincarnated here to be launched into a beautiful successful life. This is her new chance to prosper and succeed like never before. It fills my heart with glee that she has joy in her soul and can laugh. 

My duty as her father will be to help launch her into her fabulous beautiful successful life. I take this very serious. I pray that I am up to the task at hand. At 56 years old I will more senior than most dads I know. The mere thought of it makes me tired, but I am so looking forward to meeting my own precious little angel.         

A Tomato History Lesson.

See the source image

The dream this morning takes place during the 16th Century at a port on the east coast of Mexico. In the dream I see several ships moored to a stone pier. On one of these ships I can see two sailors. One sailor is a teen age boy and the other is a man in his early thirties. The two of them are negotiating a trade with two native men. The native men are dark brown and are dressed in a manner similar to the illustration  pictured above. The men are carrying tomatoes in what look to be fishing nets. The sailor is examining the tomatoes are discussing what they might offer in trade with his young companion.  The sailor remains skeptical on weather the tomatoes are safe to eat or not. He has never seen a fruit like these before.

My research, prior to writing this blog, has discovered that tomatoes are thought to have originated in the Americas. Here is a link that discusses the history of the tomato:

Many in Old World Europe thought that tomatoes were poisonous. In this dream the Indians are unable to make a deal with the sailors. They pick up their haul of the fruit and walk away. I then wake up. What an odd and interesting dream this was!

This dream was very vivid. I felt the humidity and the heat of the day. I could smell the place. I swear it was like I was there experiencing history. This is another one of those dreams I would categorize as a remoted viewed experience.

The red color of the tomato denotes passion; the kindness of God: big heartedness: generosity. Dreaming of tomatoes is frequently associated with good health both physical and spiritual. To eat tomatoes is regarded as a healthy choice.

The sailors in the dream should have accepted the tomatoes. They missed out on making history. Somebody else got to be the one to bring something new to Europe that would start a culinary revolution. Often those seize the day moments come on suddenly and then like vapor they disappear.

Has the universe offered me some juicy opportunity to make history or riches right now or in the near future? I am not seeing it. Will I take the call when it comes or be a scared sailor? My record with such things has not been great.

Well, if I meet any Indians bearing tomatoes, anytime soon it would be wise to pay attention, and see what they might offer, or I might have to offer to them in return.